From Kvalsvik to Haraldshaugen you can have a nice 3 km walk along the coastal path. Kvalsvik (the whales bay) is one of the old beaches in Haugesund. Spring 2019 the sculptures The Rising Tide by Jason deCaires Taylor was mounted in the bay. They are to symbolize the rising sea level due to climate change.
The rising tide
Along the route to Haraldshaugen you can also walk out to the automatic lighthouse. The waves can wash you to sea, so keep a safe distance as the rocks get slippery when wet.

Sheep graze along the path going south towards the nation monument at Haraldshaugen. Dogs must be kept in a leash.

According to Wikipedia:
”Haraldshaugen commemorates the Battle of Hafrsfjord which commonly dates to the year 872. The Battle of Hafrsfjord has traditionally been regarded as the point in which western Norway was for the first time unified under one monarch. Tradition holds that Haraldshaugen is the burial site of King Harald I, who died circa 933 at Avaldsnes on nearby Karmøy, south of Haugesund, but currently there is no clear archeological evidence of this. Haraldshaugen was unveiled on July 18, 1872 by Crown Prince Oscar (later King Oscar II of Sweden) in connection with the one thousand year anniversary of the Battle of Hafrsfjord. The monument is designed by Norwegian architect Christian Christie”